NPR Coverage Day by Day
On-Air Reports About The Attacks and Their Aftermath

The following is an audio archive of NPR's coverage of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and the events that unfolded in their wake. Audio is indexed by show, with the most recent shows listed first.

Sept. 20, 2001

Morning Edition

Afghan Clerics
In Afghanistan, the Grand Islamic Council of senior clerics Thursday issued an appeal to Saudi-expatriate and suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden to leave the country voluntarily. Bob Edwards discusses the implications with NPR's Michael Sullivan, who is in neighboring Pakistan.
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Bush to Congress
President Bush is set to speak to Congress tonight about his plans for a campaign against terrorism. NPR's Pam Fessler reports on what the President is expected to say, and how he plans to back up his words.
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Blair in U.S.
NPR's Julie McCarthy has a report on Europe's response to last week's terrorist attacks. Britain in particular is a staunch supporter of U.S. military retaliation. German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has also expressed support, while cautioning that a response to terrorism must go beyond military action.
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Investigation in New Jersey
NPR's David Kestenbaum has a report on the residents of Jersey City, right across the river from lower Manhattan. Two Jersey City residents were arrested in Texas last week, carrying box cutters and thousands of dollars in cash. Now other locals wonder if more terrorists could still be among them.
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Congress' New Agenda
NPR's Julie Rovner reports from Capitol Hill on lawmakers' changing agenda. Many domestic policy issues are on the back burner since last week's tragedy, but the Bush administration is cautioning Congress not to ignore them completely.
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WTC "Windows" Staff
Windows on the World was a restaurant at the top of the World Trade Center. NPR's John Burnett interviewed the surviving employees of the restaurant.
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Airline Bailout
NPR's Peter Overby reports on airlines' request for a bailout from the federal government.
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NPR's Wendy Kaufman reports that Seattle is likely to be hit especially hard by the airline industry layoffs. Seattle is where Boeing builds most of its jets.
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Ongoing Investigation
Host Bob Edwards talks with NPR's Barbara Bradley about the ongoing investigation into last week's attacks.
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INS Enforcement
NPR's Claudio Sanchez reports that Attorney General John Ashcroft wants stronger authority to detain immigrants suspected of terrorism. Some lawyers say that such laws could trample on the constitution.
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Pope to Kazakhstan
Host Bob Edwards talks with NPR's Sylvia Poggioli about the Pope's visit to Kazakhstan.
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Colombia Aid
NPR's Gerry Hadden reports on American Aid to Colombia. Colombia is one of the largest benefactors from American Aid, but now that America's agenda is changing, the Colombian government has begun to fear that the expected aid may not come.
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Convention Business
NPR's Scott Horsley reports that reluctance to travel is adversely affecting the multi-billion dollar a year convention business. Some conventions have been cancelled or postponed since last week's hijackings, while others are proceeding as scheduled. The long-term outlook is unclear.
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Special Powers
NPR's David Welna reports on the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001. Attorney General John Ashcroft presented a draft version of the bill yesterday at the Capitol. The bill would introduce sweeping changes to federal agencies that fight terrorism. Many early opponents are concerned about what the bill may do to citizens' civil liberties.
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Racial Profiling
NPR's Margot Adler reports that many Americans are experiencing new -- and uncomfortable -- feelings in the days after last week's terrorist attacks.
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Media Approach
NPR's Cheryl Corley reports on the media's coverage of the terrorist attacks. She looks at the effect of TV networks replaying the explosion, whether to include patriotic themes in hard news, and when to withhold information out of concern for national security.
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Phillips Exhibition
NPR Special Correspondent Susan Stamberg reports on a new exhibition opening at the Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C., and reflects on the importance of art in such a time of national tragedy.
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