NPR Essays

Oct. 5
The Principles Behind the Flag
By Jim Sollisch

The Empathy Gap
By Matt Miller

Oct. 4
Children Restore Faith in Human Nature
By Elissa Ely

Oct. 3
Patriotic Shopping
By Jane Armstrong

How the Attacks Have Changed New Yorkers
By Kenji Jasper

The Power of Suicide
By Daniel Schorr

Oct. 2
Rising to the Challenge -- For Now
By Jack Germond

Oct. 1
Post-Communism Unity
By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Sept. 30
Mayor Giuliani
By NPR's Daniel Schorr

A Living Lesson
By James Davison Hunter

Sept. 29
Separating Truth from Rumor
By NPR's Scott Simon

Sept. 28
A Sikh Tailor
By Martha Ann Overland

Domestic Call to Arms
By Bill Shore

Pee Wee's Legacy
By Mark Reese

Hollywood's Next Act
By John Ridley

The Speech Bush Could Make
By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Sept. 27
Wounded Psyche
By David Ropeik

Sept. 25
Racial Profiling
By Robert Franklin

Back in the Game
By Kevin Maney

Testing the Constitution
By Patt Morrison

Blame the Airlines
By Victoria Cummock

Sept. 24
Patriotic Buying
By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Sept. 23
Extreme Threats to Liberty
By Diane Roberts

A Return to Normal
By Ellis Cose

Sept. 22
Unrighteous Reverends
By NPR's Scott Simon

Sept. 21
Empathy in Uganda
By NPR's Joanne Silberner

Sept. 21
Life On Hold
By Andrei Codrescu

Sept. 20
Art as Relief From Reality
By NPR's Susan Stamberg

Sept. 19
Next Wave of Discrimination
By Judy Muller

The Greatest Generation
A poem by Joan Murray

Sept. 18
Remembering the Day
By Bailey White

Being Muslim in America
By Gelareh Assayesh

Lending a Helping Hand
By Craig Childs

Sept. 17
Reviewing the Presidential Ban on Assassinations
By NPR's Daniel Schorr

New York City Memorials
By NPR's Scott Simon

What's Next for America
By NPR's Alex Chadwick

America's Economy
By Kevin Phillips

Don't Attack Afghanistan
By Norman Council

Sept. 15
The Last Full Measure of Devotion
By NPR's Scott Simon

Sept. 14
Giving in to Fear
By Mark Leslie Shook

Where Do You Stand?
By NPR's Juan Williams

Sept. 13
TV's Window to America
By Andrei Codrescu

Call to Battle
By Phil Margetta-Cacace

Reacting to Terrorism
By Jim Sleeper

Taking Action
By Marion Winik

When Is It Right to Begin to Get Back to Normal?
By NPR's Susan Stamberg

Theatrical vs. Real-Life Tragedy
By NPR's Bob Mondello

The Aftermath
By NPR's Alex Chadwick

Sept. 12
A Different Country, A Different Time
By NPR's Alex Chadwick

Sifting Tattered Artifacts of World Trade Center Lives
By NPR's Robert Siegel