The Economics

Mounting a war effort while continuing the recovery at attack sites has placed heavy burdens on a weakened U.S. economy. Key trouble spots: the airline and tourism industries.

search More NPR News radio coverage on the state of the U.S. economy.

search More NPR News radio coverage on the airline industry.

Fed Cuts Rates Again

Fed rate cuts

The Federal Reserve has lowered short-term interest rates 10 times in 2001. The latest one-half percentage point cut brought the federal funds target rate for overnight bank loans down to 2.0 percent, the lowest rate since 1961.
Graphic: Erik Dunham, NPR
Source: Federal Reserve

In Depth

Consumer Caution
From delaying home purchases to keeping their credit cards in their wallets, consumers have changed their habits since Sept. 11.
Expanded Coverage

The Airlines
Read how the airline industry is struggling to regain its footing.
Expanded Coverage

The Economic Outlook
Read what officials and economic experts are saying about the prospects for the economy in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks.
Expanded Coverage

Other Resources

• Read the National Bureau of Economic Research's Nov. 26, 2001, determination that the U.S. economy entered a recession in March.

• Read the text of President Bush's Oct. 31, 2001, remarks about his optimism for the economy in the long term. Also read the text of his Sept. 22, 2001, radio address about the "shock" the economy suffered as a result of Sept. 11.

• Read the International Monetary Fund's reduced forecasts for world growth. Nov. 15, 2001.

• Read the World Bank Global Economic Prospects report, which says the global economy is slipping toward recession. Oct. 31, 2001.

• Visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Web pages tracking the New York City disaster recovery efforts and the Pentagon recovery efforts.

• Visit the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Web site for information on increased airline security measures, travel advisories and more.

• Visit the Federal Reserve Board Web site for the text of speeches and policy actions related to the U.S. economy.

• See the latest U.S. economic data from the Commerce and Labor departments.