

From July, 2000:
Episode 4
Audio-only: Real Audio | Windows Media
Scottish "Mouth Music"
Former Creme drummer Ginger Baker
Singin' the blues with Bix Beiderbecke
The gifted voice of Susana Baca
Helium and the Tin Hat Trio
Revisiting the remarkable Nick Drake
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name "Mouth Music"
comes from a traditional
form of Gaelic Scottish
Listen to Bratach Bana:
Real Audio | Windows Media
from Mouth Music (Rykodisc)
Listen to a feature on Mouth Music from NPR's All Things Considered.
Listen to an interview with Martin Swan.
Baker was nicknamed
Ginger because of his red
hair and took it as his stage
Ginger Baker Trio
Listen to Rambler:
Real Audio | Windows Media
from Going Back home (Atlantic).
Listen to a review of this album.
leader Eddie Condon
said Bix's tone on the
cornet was "like a girl saying
Bix Beiderbecke
Listen to Singin' the Blues 'til My Daddy Comes Home:
Real Audio | Windows Media
from Volume 1: Singin' the Blues (Sony)
Listen to a 1991 profile of Bix Beiderbecke from NPR's Morning Edition.
Visit the official Web site for Bix Beiderbecke.
her gifts of song and
dance, Susana Baca lights
a way beyond the past, a
way into healing.
Listen to Panalivio/Zancudito:
Real Audio | Windows Media
from eco de sombras (Luka Bop Records)
Listen to a review of this CD.
Visit the official Web site for Susana Baca.

The Tin Hat Trio contributed
the original images used for
our multimedia program here.
Tin Hat Trio
Listen to Helium:
Real Audio | Windows Media
from Helium (Angel Records)
Listen to a feature on Tin Hat Trio from NPR's All Things Considered.
Visit the Tin Hat Trio Web site.
five years after his
death, Nick Drake's music
is finding more recognition
than ever before. |
Nick Drake
Listen to Pink Moon:
Real Audio | Windows Media
from Way to Blue (Ryko/Hannibal)
Listen to a feature on Nick Drake from NPR's Weekend Edition.

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