

From July 1st, 2002:
Episode 22
Audio-only: Real Audio | Windows Media
A gorgeous CD from a great unknown: Hem
Debut music from singer/poet Pieta Brown
Minimalist rockers The White Stripes
A look back at the Talking Heads
Hungarian folk on accordion: Daniel Barksi
A Bach cello suite on ukulele from John King
New pop from 'emo' pioneers Promise Ring
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New York song writer Dan Messe puts an ad in the paper for a singer and finds "the most beautiful voice" he's ever heard. Sally Ellyson sings here on Rabbit Songs, a gorgeous debut from the group, Hem.
Watch: When I Was Drinking
from the CD Rabbit Songs (Bar None)
Listen to the audio-only version:
Real Audio | Windows Media
Listen to an All Things Considered interview with Hem.
Visit the official Web site for Hem.

The daughter of folk singer, Greg Brown, Pieta Brown's self-titled debut is a ghostly collection of largely melancholy songs rooted in the blues.
Pieta Brown
Watch: Blind Dog Yell
from the CD Pieta Brown (Trailer Records)
Listen to the audio-only version:
Real Audio | Windows Media

Jack and Meg White like telling everyone they're a brother/sister duo. But we think they're husband and wife. Regardless, their CD, White Blood Cells is a collection of great, back-to-basics rock.
The White Stripes
Watch: We're Going to Be Friends
from the CD White Blood Cells (V2 Music)
Listen to the audio-only version:
Real Audio | Windows Media
Listen to a Morning Edition feature on The White Stripes.
Visit the official Web site for The White Stripes.

The Talking Heads were one of the most popular groups to emerge from New York's CBGB music scene. Here we look back at their debut release.
The Talking Heads
Watch: Uh-Oh, Love Comes to Town
from the CD 77 (Sire)
Listen to the audio-only version:
Real Audio | Windows Media
Listen to a feature on Talking Heads from NPR's All Things Considered.
Visit a Web site for The Talking Heads.

Daniel Barski takes an often ridiculed instrument and melds it with the music of Satie, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Bach and Bartok, creating a beautiful and truly unique CD.
Daniel Barski
Watch: Three Hungarian Folk Songs
from the CD Free-Reed Odyssey (JANPress)
Listen to the audio-only version:
Real Audio | Windows Media
Listen to All Things Considered host Robert Siegel's interview with Dan Barski, from June 06, 2003.
Contact the artist to purchase this CD: danbarski@yahoo.com.

Like Daniel Barski's accordion versions of baroque classics, John King stretches a small instrument to new lengths with this ukulele version of a Bach cello suite.
John King
Watch: Cello Suite No. 1 Prelude
from the CD Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Nalu Music)
Listen to the audio-only version:
Real Audio | Windows Media
To purchase this CD, contact the label: comments@nalu-music.com.

Often credited with pioneering the genre of brooding "emocore", here the Promise Ring play great pop.
The Promise Ring
Watch: Suffer Never
from the CD Wood/Water (Anti)
Listen to the audio-only version:
Real Audio | Windows Media
Visit the official Web site for The Promise Ring.
