Morning Edition Commentaries
Morning Edition’s commentaries serve as an editorial voice, a cultural signpost, and punctuation for the program. The commentaries we accept can be serious, quirky, or anywhere in between, but all must be original in subject and approach, accurate, well-written and thought-provoking. We air political analyses, third-person observations, first-person essays and more. We accept very few of the countless unsolicited commentaries we receive, but we read all of them.
Some procedural guidelines:
Send up to three written commentaries. Morning Edition no longer accepts tapes, cd's, or other recordings.
Each commentary should be about two-and-a-half minutes long, or about 400 words.
Include your name, address, daytime telephone number, and e-mail address.
If the subject matter of your commentary is timely, please indicate this.
Due to the volume of materials we receive, we are unable to return submissions.
We can contact only those commentators we wish to broadcast.
Our first preference is to receive commentaries by e-mail. Please send submissions to:
Morning Edition Commentaries Editor
635 Massachusetts Avenue
NW Washington DC 20001
Thank you for your interest in Morning Edition!