Los Angeles


DeLeon Family, 1974
DeLeon Family, 1974
Aztec Pyramids, Mexico

Whom we marry is often based on love, but the pool of candidates can be based on circumstance as much as happenstance.

The recent influx of Asian and Hispanic immigrants to the United States is slowly and dramatically altering our circumstances, putting people together who might not otherwise have met, and creating a new blending of cultures in America.

April 27, 2000
Mexican-American author and poet Michele Serros (How to Be a Chicana Role Model and Chicana Falsa) has written with poignancy and wit about the clash and the coming together of American and foreign cultures. audio buttonIn part one, Serros explores the idea of "blendedness" through the filter of her own upbringing in Oxnard, California, and her marriage to a non-Hispanic man.

April 28, 2000
In part two, Serros profiles friends who come from blended families. Crystal usually just simplifies her Irish/Native American/South American background as "black-and-white;" Marcus speaks English, audio buttonSpanish, or German depending on where he is; and Mark uses music to transcend his Asian-Mexican American heritage.

  • Read a sample of Michele Serros' poetry

    The Changing Face of America is an 18-month long NPR project that tells the stories of regular, everyday Americans and the issues they face at a time of rapid and dramatic change in the U.S. This special series can be heard on NPR's Talk of the Nation, All Things Considered and Morning Edition.

    The Changing Face of America series is sponsored by
    The Pew Charitable Trusts.