American Workplace


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Equity for Childless Workers
Monday, October 23

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In this fourth segment of October's The Changing Face of America series, we investigate complaints from childless workers who argue that "family-friendly" benefits such as on-site day care discriminate against employees with no children. Some childless employees say since they don't have children, they want equal treatment for their pets. Others claim that childless workers are asked frequently to work late or on weekends and say they don't have equal access to flexible work schedules. This report will examine the backlash towards workers with children and how employers are responding.

audio button Listen as NPR's David Molpus talks to workers on various sides of this debate as they discuss the issues, raise concerns and offer solutions.

Merck workers 'spin'
Merck workers 'spin' to cut stress

Work-Family Conflict
Monday, October 16

Links and Resources

Despite record low unemployment, general prosperity and widespread job satisfaction, most Americans say there is something fundamentally wrong with work. With the advent of wireless technology, work has become far more intrusive in our hours away from the job. Increasingly, workers have less time for family, for their communities and for themselves. One company, though, is trying to change that. Merck, the drug corporation based in New Jersey, is redesigning the way work gets done and providing amenities to reduce workplace stress.

NPR's David Molpus talks to people who are trying to cope with the demands of work and life. A successful, high-energy mother of four who is a sales rep for Merck, has had to change the way she works. audio button She's reduced her hours, but accomplishes just as much as she did before. Nevertheless, she's still busy from dawn till midnight. "My husband and I will sleep when we die," she says.

The Philadelphia Experiment
A meeting of Flex-Time Lawyers in Philadelphia

The Philadelphia Experiment
Monday, October 9

Links and Resources

NPR's David Molpus examines law firms in Philadelphia, PA, as they begin to offer flex-time options to lawyers in an effort to keep them on board. With 43 percent of new lawyers quitting their firms within three years, turnover is a major problem and firms are finding that various forms of reduced working hours is one way to increase retention.

audio button We'll hear from a group of part-time time lawyers from several Philadelphia firms about why they are doing it, why other lawyers don't, how flex-time often hurts career advancement and what could make the current flex-time system better.

Whole Foods Market

Collective Management
Monday, October 2

Links and Resources

Morning Edition goes to Austin, Texas, as it examines Whole Foods and how its commitment to employee teamwork and information sharing helped it grow from a single grocery store into the largest natural food grocery chain in the country.

Whole Foods is a funky little health food store that has grown into a nationwide chain of 112 stores with more than $1.6 billion in annual sales. Today Whole Foods, which also operates under the names Bread & Circus, Fresh Fields and Wellspring Grocery, is a virtual empire by natural grocery standards.

The main key to their success has been sharing control of day-to-day operations with rank-and-file employees. Workers are divided into small teams. They vote on who gets hired. They have a voice in almost everything from product selection to display, from recipes to pricing. They have access to virtually any financial information about the company, including salaries of every individual in the corporation, and whenever a team increases sales or reduces costs, the company shares the extra profit and savings with the team members. Listen as NPR's David Molpus reports for Morning Edition. audio button

Collective Management
Links & Resources

The Human Equation: Building Profits By Putting People First by Jeffrey Pfeffer, published by Harvard Business School Press
The Loyalty Effect: The Hidden Force Behind Growth, Profits, and Lasting Value by Frederick F. Reichheld, published by Harvard Business School Press

Organizations & Websites

  • Whole Foods Markets
  • The Work in America Institute
  • The Institute for Work and Employment Research
  • The Russell Sage Foundation

    The Philadelphia Experiment
    Links & Resources

    Resources on Part-Time Lawyering:
    Deborah Epstein Henry, founder of the part-time lawyers group in Philadelphia, PA. She is at the firm of Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis. (215 751 2159)

    "Facing The Grail: Confronting the Cost of Work-Family Imbalance" - a 1999 report by the Boston Bar Association.

    The National Association For Law Placement in Washington, DC. Paula Patton, Executive Director (202 667 1666).

    "Structuring A Plan That Won't Penalize Part-Time Partners." Law Office Management and Administration Report, May 1998. Available from the Institute of Management and Administration in New York (212 244 0360).

    General Resources on Part-Time Work:
    Catalyst, a non-profit research organization based in New York (212 514 7600), specializing in women in the workplace. Marcia Brumit Kropf, author of "A New Approach To Flexibility: Managing The Work-Time Equation."

    Work and Family Connection, a Minnesota based clearinghouse on a wide range of workplace topics, including summaries of numerous studies and reports on flexibility (952 936 7898)

    The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in NY (212 649 1649) which sponsors and publishes research on all current human resource practices and coming change in the workplace, plus their public policy implications.

    Work-Family Conflict
    Resources on Job Stress, Work-life Balance and Work Re-Design

    Articles & Studies

    Work Trends: America's Attitudes About Work, Employers and Government. A survey by Rutgers University that finds work and family pressures are undercutting widespread job satisfaction. By the John Heldrick Center for Workforce Development, Carl Van Horn, Director of the Center 732 932 4100. (products & services/ search word is "surveys").

    The Work Group Action Planning Process at Merck & Co by Mary B Young of the Boston University School of Management. Available through the Work In America Institute.

    Balancing Work & Family. A study by the Sloan Foundation. Available thorough the Economic Policy Institute (202 775 8810)

    Workplace Stress. An article by James Krohe, Jr. in February 1, 1999 issue of Across The Board magazine. Available through The Conference Board (212 339 0345)

    9 to 5 Isn't Working Anymore. An article by Michelle Conlin in the Sept. 20, 1999 issue of Business Week magazine.

    Other Resources & Links
  • Harvard Business School Web site, category is "Organizations & People" found at
  • Merck, Olga Beattie, Director of Work-Life Programs at Merck & Co. 908 423 1000.
  • The Society for Human Resource Management, including their study on stress with the National Foundation for Brain Research.
  • James Gleick's book, Faster: The Acceleration of Just About Everything

    Equity for Childless Workers
    Links & Resources

    The Baby Boon: How Family-Friendly America Cheats the Childless, by Elinor Burkett

    The War Against Parents by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

    The Childless Employee: A survey of Human Resource Professionals
    Available from The Conference Board, a New York based business research organization. (212) 339-0345,

    Organizations, Sources & Internet Links:
    A site that celebrates "the personal freedom, money, time and energy" acquired by remaining child free.

    ChildFree Newsgroup
    A newsgroup of that describes itself as "a repository of the wit, wisdom, rants and raves...of the selfish ones."

    A non-profit, virtual and real social club for the childless. "We provide a place where people can talk about anything but diapers and preschools."

    Parents Unite
    The Web site of the National Parenting Association, "working to make parenting a higher priority in our private lives and on the public agenda." Sylvan Ann Hewlett, founder. (800) 709-8795

    Mary B. Young, a Medford, MA based researcher and writer on workplace issues.

    Fran Rodgers, founder of WFD of Boston, one of the nation's largest work-life consulting companies. (617) 673-3100

  • Boston College Center for Work & Family, Boston, MA (617) 552-2865
  • Families and Work Institute, New York, NY (212) 465-8637
  • Alliance of Work-Life Professionals, Alexandria, VA (703) 684-8396
  • Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Watertown, MA (617) 673-8000

    The Changing Face of America is an 18-month long NPR project that tells the stories of regular, everyday Americans and the issues they face at a time of rapid and dramatic change in the U.S. This special series can be heard on NPR's Talk of the Nation, All Things Considered and Morning Edition.

    The Changing Face of America series is sponsored by
    The Pew Charitable Trusts.