NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Kennedy School of Government Civil Liberties
V. Other Non-Legislative Measures to Combat Terrorism Note: As shown, some questions were asked only of subsets of respondents (e.g., people who said they had decided how they would vote). Unless otherwise indicated, the tables reflect percentages of the subset that was asked the question, not percentages of the overall population. An asterisk (*) indicates a response of less than 1 percent. A cross indicates a volunteered response.37. Have you seen or heard about discrimination against Arabs or Muslims IN YOUR AREA since September 11th?
38. Since September 11 have you experienced increased security at any airport, public building, park, theater, or other public place?
(Asked of respondents who have experienced increased security at specific public places; n = 672) 39. How much inconvenience have you experienced because of this added security--a great deal, some, not much, or none at all?
38/39. Combo Table
(Asked of respondents who have experienced increased security at specific public places; n = 672) 40. How much inconvenience do you expect in the future -- a great deal, some, not much, or none at all?
38/40. Combo Table
(Asked of respondents who have not experienced increased security at specific public places; n = 536) 40a. Since September 11th, security has increased in many public places. In the future, how much inconvenience do you think this will cause you-- a great deal, some, not much, or none at all?
38/40/40a. Combo Table
41. Are you a frequent air traveler, do you fly only occasionally, or have you never flown?
42. Would you be willing or not willing to pay an extra $50 for each airplane ticket that you buy in order to help pay for increased security at US airports?
43. Do you think that the federal government should take over airport security, or should it stay in the hands of private industry?
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