NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Kennedy School of Government Civil Liberties
VII. National Identification Card and Protection of the American Flag Note: As shown, some questions were asked only of subsets of respondents (e.g., people who said they had decided how they would vote). Unless otherwise indicated, the tables reflect percentages of the subset that was asked the question, not percentages of the overall population. An asterisk (*) indicates a response of less than 1 percent. A cross indicates a volunteered response.46. Would you favor or oppose requiring everyone in the United States to carry an identification card issued by the federal government?
(Asked of respondents who favor everyone in the US to carry an ID card issued by the federal government; n = 699) 47. If issued, would you be willing to have the following pieces of information on it, or not? Would you be willing to have (INSERT ITEM) on it?
46/47. Combo Table
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