Along for the Ride
Another Pat Benetar loyalist
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Another Pat Benetar loyalist

alex borstein

Alex reveals her connection to pop music, confesses to a secret love and plays us tape of her former rock band.

In Print

Three writers (living or dead) you'd like to have a beer with
Steve Martin, George Sand, Sylvia Plath

Children's book you give to kids you know
"Princess Smartypants" by Babette Cole

A book you wish you'd write but know you never will "How I Became Ruler of the World"

A book that changed your mind
"The People's History" by Howard Zinn

You're a bumpersticker. You read
Think Damnit!


Musical group you were a part ofThe rock group, The Rashods.
(Hear their music and more at the Rashods.)

Last CD you bought
Bjork "Dancer in the Dark" Soundtrack

Album you have with the most worn grooves
"Saturday Night" by Tom Waits

Three tunes on your soundtrack
"Sunday Girl" by Blondie
"Don't Let It Show" by Pat Benatar
"Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen

Song you wish you'd written
"San Diego Serenade" by Tom Waits

A tune you love to wallow in:
"Lush Life" by Duke Ellington performed by Johnny Mathis

Favorite song from adolescence
"You Shook Me All Night Long" AC/DC

Your guilty musical pleasure
Christina Aguilera

Movies, Theater, TV

TV shows you can't miss:
Sopranos (HBO), Law & Order (NBC), The Gilmore girls (WB)

Shows you wish were still on
Soap, Taxi, Johnny Carson


Your comfort foods
Everything! Mac and cheese, grilled cheese, pasta, ice cream, candy......

Something about you people would be surprised to know
My secret joy is writing and singing folk and children's songs.

The headlines you wish were in the newspaper
In my ideal world there are no headlines.