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Storrow's story . . .
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Storrow's story

amy storrow

READ from Amy's forthcoming novel.

Amy Storrow grew up in Stonington, Connecticut and now lives in Houston. She wrote her first novel at the age of nine, a tale of three boys who foil a bank robbery in Stonington by breaking the code that the thieves broadcast over the local fog horn.

Her current novel-in-progress, When Strange Was Normal, begins in Stonington as well, but foghorns are not the featured plot device. Her work has appeared in Saveur, The Massachusetts Review, Antioch Review (a "notable essay" in Best American Essays 1996), Gettysburg Review, Gulf Coast, and other publications. She's twice won Individual Artist Grants from the Cultural Arts Council of Houston/Harris County (one each in nonfiction and fiction), as well as a PEN/Texas Award for the essay.

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