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amy wilensky

Writer Amy Wilensky is our artist reporter for this trip. Amy is a little obsessive. Clinically. But she prefers to consider herself passionate. Many of her passions revolve around food. In this episode, she takes us along as she indulges her passion for grocery stores and meets a soulmate in the dairy aisle.

LISTEN to the piece about Amy that aired on Weekend All Things Considered. Or plan your own trip between the choices below.

Listenamy on obsession

Amy talks to NPR's Lisa Simeone and describes how having obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette's have structured her life. Plus: essays and a book excerpt.

Listencheese and the supernatural

Hear Amy and her hero, cheese expert Steven Jenkins, make declarations about specific cheeses and reflect on the place of fromage in the universe. Also see video of our artist reporter emoting among the cheeses.

Listentemple of cheese

Enter the temple of cheese through Steven Jenkins' comments, cheese recommendations and a 360 degree image of Fairway's cheese department (requires the free QuickTime player). Read and post your cheese recommendations.


Roam the supermarket aisles with Amy and you too will see the sublime. See video of her favorite grocery nooks.

Listenculture hound

Travel with Amy to her favorite cultural haunts in the world and on the web.

Listenproducer's notebook

Wherein the producer explains why Amy, why now.