Along for the Ride
This month's listener ride topic:  punk rock
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Well, bollocks to you. . .

jon langford

How much do you really know about punk rock? Take our quick quiz and find out if you do know how to DIY or if you're really just prog. We'll post the answers on this page on June 30th. If you send your answers to us at before then, we'll tell you if you're right!

1. The Ramones played a series of concerts in London in the mid-70's attended by a slew of pub rockers who went on to become famous punk rockers -- name the venue.

2. What movie did Ian Curtis watch the night he killed himself?
Stroszek by Werner Herzog

3. Who wrote the anthem, recorded by The Clash, called, "I Fought The Law (And The Law Won)?"
Sonny Curtis

4. What was the original name of Malcolm McClaren's London boutique?
Okay, this was a bit of a trick quesiton. The store had many names, including Let It Rock, Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die and SEX

5. What religion were Malcolm McClaren, Joey Ramone and Joe Strummer all born into?

6. In an early interview Johnny Rotten was quoted as saying "Road Runner" was his favorite song. Who wrote the song and who recorded it?
Jonathan Richman wrote it and recorded it wiht his band, The Modern Lovers.