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It's mine, gimme!
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That's mine, gimme!

lise funderburg


LISTEN as Lise shows her sisters her favorite recent finds; reminisces with them about their early days of thrifting; and reviews the rules for successful second-hand shopping.

Lise’s favorite shopping companions are her sisters Margaret and Diane. Together they have found amazing treasures from World War II ration books to a fabulous stuffed, blue heron. The sisters learned the art of thrifting, which includes shopping at yard sales and estate sales as well as thrift stores, from their mother, Maggie. They credit her for their early introduction to the beauty of recycling and the poetry in what other people pass over as junk.

All three sisters make altruistic use of their thrifting skills. Lise regularly shops for her family and friends and Diane takes treasures back to her 4th grade classroom. Margaret’s four year old daughter, Phoebe, has expanded her collection of sparkly things thanks to her mom’s excellent eye for bargains. And, as Phoebe grows up, the family tradition of thrifting will surely continue.