Along for the Ride
If only Eureka, Lise's pound-found hound, could talk.
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If only Eureka, Lise's pound-found hound, could talk ... oh the secrets she would tell!

lise funderburg


SEE THE GOODS Lise unearthed for her writer friend Veronica Chambers.


LISTEN to yet another friend's testimony. Introducing Lise's neighbor Claudia.

Several of Lise’s friends have profited from her passion for shopping. She’s so good at finding what you want or need that some of her friends have quit shopping altogether. Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but you get our point. Lise is an expert. She carries with her a constant mental list of what her friends need and she quietly collects things they might like as well. When her friend Claudia got divorced Lise helped her recover with a whole new thrifted wardrobe. She’s so good at this personal shopper thing that she even found her friend Veronica a husband.