Along for the Ride
Paisley Rekdal and Rose Marie London
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Paisley and Rose Marie on the eve of their adventure

paisley rekdal

So you're a Scout, that's cool. All great wilderness adventurers started somewhere. All you really need to have a good time in the woods is an open mind, a backpack of essential items and some basic knowledge.

What to Bring

1. A good pair of sturdy, broken-in hiking boots -- preferably with ankle support and vibram soles. If you are going to carry a substantial amount of weight you should have a pair of medium to heavy duty boots, rather than the hiking boot-shoes that are so popular these days.

2. A simple first aid kit -- this should include a topical antibiotic and moleskin for blisters.

3. A whistle -- this will allow you to attract help, find a lost member of your party or scare off an animal.

4. A map and compass (and the know how to use them)

5. Water (duh)

6. High energy snack food -- candy bars and trail mix are always good.

7. A pocket knife that you can use for a variety of things, including building a shelter.

8. Foul weather gear -- at least a rain jacket or a water repellent fleece jacket.

9. A hat -- this can ward off sun and instantly warm you up. (So, sun screen and sunglasses are also advised, for obvious reasons.)

10. A friend -- while hiking alone can be a transcendent pleasure, it's safer to have a companion.

What To Know Before You Go

1. Know something about the landscape you're going into -- does the weather change quickly, is the terrain known for flash floods or crumbling rock?

2. Choose an appropriate adventure -- know your limits. Are you really in good enough shape to climb that mountain?

3. Stay on marked trails -- this makes it harder to get lost and it is better for the environment. TRY TO LEAVE NO TRACE.

4. Bury your own physical waste -- pack out all other waste including toilet paper.

5. Know the fire hazard/safety rules for the area where you will be. If fires are legal/advised bring some matches along.

6. Be sure someone knows where you have gone and when you went in and when you plan to come out.

7. Take field guides with you so you can enjoy the flora and fauna.

8. Keep noise and intrusion to a minimum.

9. If you get lost remember the following:

- Don't panic, stay calm
- Try to find an open area and set up a camp there
- Blow your whistle and call out for help
- If possible, build a signal fire
- Try to build a shelter but be careful to conserve your energy

10. Pay attention and discover -- HAVE FUN!