July 29, 2000

Welcome to Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!, NPR's weekly news quiz program. Find out how well you know your news by playing the interactive online version below. You can also listen to this week's show.

Who's Carl This Time?
Jean Cochran is in for Carl Kasell this week.

Quote 1 (14.4 | 28.8)
JEAN: "It appears that I am considered to be a housewife. I say to those people who belittle housewives: What's wrong with that? It doesn't mean a housewife doesn't understand politics?"

That's from a rare television interview with a woman who's now perhaps the world's most powerful housewife. What domestic goddess this week took the reins in Indonesia?

Answer 1

Quote 2 (14.4 | 28.8)
JEAN: "It is white."

That, according to Britain's notoriously catty press, is what President Bush replied when asked by English elementary school children to describe what?

HINT: It's also a house.

Answer 2

Quote 3 (14.4 | 28.8)
JEAN: "Out in the west Texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Vietnamese girl. Blacker than night were the eyes of Makiko, wicked and evil while casting her spell. My love was deep for this Vietnamese maiden, I was in love but in vain I could tell."

That rather skewed version of "El Paso" was sung this week by a highly placed U.S. official. Who was singing Marty Robbins by way of Hanoi?

HINT: His predecessor did the same thing last year, and it was one reason we named her our "Person of the Year."

Answer 3

Who's Carl: Section II

Quote 4 (14.4 | 28.8)
JEAN: "As long as she's not the person counting the votes, there is no question that this seat will be very competitive."

That's Democratic spokesperson Kim Rubey declaring that her party will definitely compete in a Florida congressional election, in which who is expected to run?

Answer 4

Quote 5 (14.4 | 28.8)
JEAN: "When I was looking for a name for my new post office protocol mail program, I thought immediately of the title of a short story I'd read years before: 'Why I Live At the P.O.,' so I named the program after the author of the story."

That was software developer Steven Dorner, who paid homage to America's greatest short story writer by naming his e-mail program after her. It was the most unusual tribute to the celebrated writer, who died this week at age 92. Who?

Answer 5

Quote 6 (14.4 | 28.8)
JEAN: "I wore my crosses in one ear with nothing but a fake diamond stud in the other ear. It's surprising my head isn't permanently tilted!"

That's Billie Zahurak of Johnstown, Pa., remembering 1984 when she started dressing up like her idol. Billie this week drove for five hours to see this performer open her latest, and some fans fear, her last concert tour. Who?

HINT: Other things Billie could wear in tribute - conical bras, fingerless gloves, Sean Penn.

Answer 6

Limerick Challenge

Limerick 1: (14.4 | 28.8)

Fighting crime in the mud is my gig
Since my belly and hocks have grown big.
I developed this power
Back when I devoured
A genetically modified __________.

Answer 1

Limerick 2: (14.4 | 28.8)

The stallion chews through his reviews.
"Though I should make them snooze, they enthuse!
I take my sweet time,
And I don't make a dime,
But they love me 'cause I always __________."

Answer 2

Limerick 3: (14.4 | 28.8)

On the phone, the zookeeper goes limp.
"Stop your wheezing and snuffling, you imp!
Say something. Speak!
- Wait, I know that shriek.
These prank calls have come from our __________."

Answer 3