November 3, 2001

Welcome to Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!, NPR's weekly news quiz program. Find out how well you know your news by playing the interactive online version below. You can also listen to this week's show with host Peter Sagal.

Who's Carl This Time?

Quote 1 (Listen with Real Audio)
CARL: "They usually appear almost magically from behind crimson curtains. Today, they filed onto the bench like a group of nine theatergoers groping their way to their seats."

That's NPR's own Nina Totenberg on All Things Considered. What group this week looked lost in their new workspace?

HINT: Imagine trying to get these nine people to agree on the same movie.

Answer 1

Quote 2 (Listen with Real Audio)
CARL: "[they] wouldn't be hip enough to know our 'in' places. And, anyway, with their outfits they'd never get beyond the velvet ropes."

That's New Yorker Vanessa Neuman saying she wasn't afraid that what kind of people would ruin her good time partying on halloween?

HINT: For starters, hiding in caves is so five minutes ago.

Answer 2

Quote 3 (Listen with Real Audio)
CARL: "Mentally, I'm always in Never-neverland - hee-hee!"

That was an artist who released his first new CD in almost 10 years this week. Who is it?

Answer 3

Who's Carl Round II

Quote 4 (Listen with Real Audio)
CARL: "For those who think even the Super Bowl is too (long to wait), maybe we can set the AFC and NFC championship games as drop-dead dates."

That's the Howard Mortman of National Journal reacting to a CNN reporter who wondered if Americans would wait 'til the Super Bowl for good news in what?

HINT: Good news would be in the form of surrender or capture.

Answer 4

Quote 5 (Listen with Real Audio)
CARL: "I'm a Midwesterner and I'm eager to please."

That's author Jonathan Franzen, showing his determination to now please a woman he's deeply offended. Who?

HINT: Most authors try to please this woman earlier in the process than Mr Franzen.

HINT: When authors do please this woman, they wind up selling thousands of books.

Answer 5

Quote 6 (Listen with Real Audio)
CARL: When you use the words 'mystique' and 'aura', those are dancers in a nightclub…"

That was a man named Curt Schilling, saying he was not intimidated by the reputation of whom?

HINT: Maybe he should have been.

Answer 6

Limerick Challenge

Limerick 1: (Listen with Real Audio)

For my neighborhood's young kennellodgers,
I'm smoother than newscasting codgers.
Can you say "hoochie-cooch"?
Oh, I knew you could, pooch.
Dogs get pillow talk from Mister __________."

Answer 1

Limerick 2: (Listen with Real Audio)

Since the kids and the teachers drool bunches
This reviewer has chased their cruel hunches
Wolfgang Puck is inferior
To this great caféteria
They're serving up gourmet __________."

Answer 2

Limerick 3: (Listen with Real Audio)

The Maid Marion sighs in dismay.
"I can't get robin's arrow to stray.
Much as I lead him on,
He prefers Little John.
It's too bad all the good ones are __________."

Answer 3