August 24, 2002

Welcome to Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!, NPR's weekly news quiz program. Find out how well you know your news by playing the interactive online version below. You can also listen to this week's show with host Peter Sagal.

Who's Carl This Time?

Quote 1 (Listen with Real Audio)
"Don't strike... where else can i get six beers for thirty five dollars?"

That was a slogan printed on a sign, held aloft by a patron at a very large, very overpriced entertainment venue. Who is he encouraging to go on strike?

Answer 1

Quote 2 (Listen with Real Audio)
CARL: "The irony here is that there are indications that his dad may actually oppose this. So there's nothing personal here unless W has some weird Oedipal thing where he wants to stick a finger in his dad's eye."

That's the National Journal's Rich Lowry speculating on the psychological explanations for President Bush's seeming obsession with doing what?

Answer 2

Quote 3 (Listen with Real Audio)
CARL: "He would be the perfect talk-show host -- he's super-tall, handsome, funny, sexy and can sell ice to an Eskimo. He comes from a very dysfunctional family and is very dysfunctional himself. And he knows a lot about sex -- which is very important in daytime television."

That is Univision's daytime chat host, Cristina Saralegui, talking about a potential competitor…a man who, once again, is in serious negotiations to get his own talk show…who?

HINT: Today... chief executives who stray and the senators who forgive them... I hope.

Answer 3

Who's Carl This Time? Round II

Question 4 (Listen with Real Audio)
CARL: "More forest. Less Bush!"

That was a sign held aloft by a protestor in Portland, Ore. this week. According to people like this protestor, President Bush's plan to save the trees in our national forests is to simply do what?

Answer 4

Question 5 (Listen with Real Audio)
CARL: "More than likely I'll puke. I'll be so nervous it'll be unbelievable."

That's a man named Rich Beem expressing his fear last weekend before he went into his final match against whom?

HINT: Not only did he not puke, he beat him.

Answer 5

Question 6 (Listen with Real Audio)
CARL: "They can do a lot. They can mix things. They can roll things out. They can cut cookies. They can wrap things. What they can do is participate."

That is a woman who this week opened her new exhibit at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History. Who was pointing out all the things that kids can do at her interactive exhibit?

HINT: She actually donated her kitchen to the Smithsonian.

Answer 6

Limerick Challenge

Limerick 1: (Listen with Real Audio)

Blue zagged and my red team, we zigged.
And we gained, but officials reneged.
They said, "It would behoove
Not to test, but to prove."
So I quit, cuz the War Games are __________."

Answer 1

Limerick 2: (Listen with Real Audio)

My proboscis serves me all too well.
Dad's two miles from here, I can tell.
Say, Dad, would it hurt
To change that old shirt?
Oh, how I loathe how you __________."

Answer 2

Limerick 3: (Listen with Real Audio)

In the kitchen he never will poach.
Don't fret my domestic approach
Cats or dogs aren't my trip
But big insects are hip
So, Mom, can I please keep my __________.

Answer 3