Feb. 18, 2006

Welcome to Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!, NPR's weekly news quiz program. Find out how well you know your news by playing the interactive online version below. You can also listen to this week's show with host Peter Sagal.

Who's Carl This Time?

Quote 1

Carl: "It seems the problem we have in this country is, we either have too much moisture or too little moisture, depending on whether you're on the coast or in the interior. If we could average it out, we could prevent some of the disasters we've been faced with."
That little joke was how someone apparently tried to deflect intense criticism of his performance in dealing with weather disasters after they've happened. Who?

Hint: It's not Brownie, but someone higher up the food chain.

Hint: Imagine Mr. Burns of The Simpsons making this joke.

Answer 1

Quote 2

Carl: "You should console me in this situation."

That's a man named Ibrahim Jafari reacting to congratulations upon winning nomination to be prime minister where?

Answer 2

Quote 3

Carl: "He's obsessed with attention. He has to be in the spotlight. He sulks when he is ignored. He's also a big licker. He loves to lick his favorite people, and when he's done, you're usually soaked."

That's someone talking about her champion in what big event this week?

Hint: Unlike the Olympics, the winners in this competition keep their leashes on.

Answer 3

Limerick Challenge

Limerick 1:

I was scared of the beach. He's the cause.
Fears don't care about natural laws.
Sure, I went back eventually,
But darn Peter Benchley,
He scared me stiff with his book ________.

Answer 1

Limerick 2:

Hole six is the tomb of King Tut, but
It's hard to hit. I see a rut jut.
The golf Taylor invented,
Is worn down and dented.
Still. Windmills! You've got to love ________.

Answer 2

Limerick 3:

I'm 62, wrinkled, but spry.
I've lain off the cocaine and rye.
So cancel the wreath,
For one Richards, Keith.
I'm not quite so likely to ________.

Answer 3