January 23, 1999
Host: Peter Sagal
Official Judge and Scorekeeper: Carl Kasell
Not My Job Guests: NPR Newscaster Ann Taylor
This Week's Panelists:
Washington Post Style Section Writer Roxanne Roberts
Professional Namer Andrea Michaels
Esquire Magazine and Only a Game Contributer Charlie Pierce
Round 1: "Introduction/Essay"
Smoking Out the Anti-Christ At Last?
"Week in Review"
Impeachment, the State of the Union, and bon mots from the cast of characters observing both. The impeachment trial diary of Senator Wayne Allard, R-Colorado, as
excerpted in the Rocky Mountain News, and more.
"Who Is Carl This Time?"
Round 2: "We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments)
"Not My Job"
Newscaster Ann Taylor takes a break from delivering news at the
bottom of the hour to play "You're the Rhetorician!"
"Listener Limerick Challenge"
A listener tries to decipher some of the week's top and not-so-top stories...in limerick form.
"Week in Review"
A few more stories that caught our attention recently,
including why Atlanta is celebrating and the owners of a Swedish doll are
Round 3: "We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments) "Listener Bluff"
A new use of artificial intelligence.
"Who Is Carl This Time?"
Round 4: "Lightning Fill-in-the-Blank"
Each panelist has one minute to fill in as many blanks as he or she can.
Play along with our online
version of the show.