June 19, 1999

Host: Peter Sagal
Official Judge and Scorekeeper: Carl Kasell
Not My Job Guest: Jim Zarroli, NPR Business Correspondent

This Week's Panelists:

•Roxanne Roberts, Washington Post Style Section
•Charlie Pierce, Esquire Magazine and Only A Game
•Adam Felber, Writer and Performer

"Opening Round"

Round 1: "Introduction/Essay"
Breaking news!--The UN Goodwill Ambassador formerly known as Ginger Spice offends someone; Bob Dole is offended by others, and more.

"Who Is Carl This Time?"
Carl interprets three quotes from the week's news.

Round 2: "We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments)
"Not My Job"
NPR Business Correspondent Jim Zarroli turns his attention from getting and spending long enough to play "You're The New Age Lexicographer!"-- about new words from the Oxford English Dictionary -- for a special guest.

"We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments)
"Listener Limerick Challenge"
The second installment of the Listener Limerick Listener Limerick Challenge, where one listener completes 3 newsy limericks submitted by his listening peers.

Round 3: "We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments)
"Listener Bluff"
An unusual denial from the government.

"Week in Review"
The royal sticker shock of a certain wedding registry, America's Most Wanted housewife, and more.

"Lightning Fill-in-the-Blank"
Each panelist has one minute to fill in as many blanks as he or she can.

"We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments)
"Predictions for Next Week"
What Al Gore Will Do Next To Prove He's Not Boring.