September 4, 1999

Host: Peter Sagal
Official Judge and Scorekeeper: Carl Kasell
Not my job guest: David Baron, Science Reporter

This Week's Panelists:
Adam Felber, Writer and Performer
Roy Blount, Jr., Author, Be Sweet: A Conditional Love Story
Roxanne Roberts, Washington Post Style Section

Round 1: "Introduction/Essay"

"Opening Round"
What do the First Lady and lunch meat have in common, according to upstate New Yorkers? Also: Janet Reno takes the heat, and Monica Lewinsky branches out.

"Who Is Carl This Time?"
Carl interprets three quotes from the week's news.

"We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments)
"Listener Limerick Challenge"
Three newsy limericks, read by Carl and completed by a poetic listener.

Round 2: "We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments)
"Not My Job"
In honor of Labor Day, David Baron, Science Reporter, becomes "The Human Resources Guy!" when we quiz him on workplace issues.

"Week in Review"
Scientists say: there's water in that meteorite, and just relax, because your couch potato tendencies may be genetic.

Round 3: "We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments)
"Listener Bluff"
An unlikely new spokesperson.

"We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments)
"Who Is Carl This Time?"
Three more bon mots from the week's news, as channelled by Carl.

"We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments)
"Lightning Fill-in-the-Blank"
The rest of the week's news that we can fit. Each panelist has one minute to fill in as many blanks as possible.

"We'll Wait, You Tell Us" (Listener Segments)
"Predictions for Next Week"
The next collecting craze in the wake of Beanie Baby mania.

Play along with our online version of the show.