December 30, 2000
Listen to Wait Wait Don't Tell Me:
(14.4 | 28.8)
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HOST: Peter Sagal
NOT MY JOB GUEST: Robert Siegel, Host, All Things Considered
This Week's Panelists:
Roxanne Roberts, Washington Post Style Section
Roy Blount, Jr., Author, I Am Puppy, Hear Me Yap
Adam Felber, Writer and Performer
Round 1
Who's Carl This Time?
(14.4 | 28.8)
A prescient look at the seat of a nation, and devastating rejoinders from the beaches, and from the landing fields...
Opening Round
(14.4 | 28.8)
A future president dissed by the FBI; when the Feds told you to rake your yard, you knew you'd be safe; the suffragettes' debt to someone's mother, and why surviving Niagara Falls does not prepare you for life's more mundane obstacles.
Round 2
The Listener Limerick Challenge!
(14.4 | 28.8)
Three limericks about ancient Rome.
Not My Job!
(14.4 | 28.8)
All Things Considered host Robert Siegel plays "You Didn't Say What I Thought You Just Said, Did You?"-- politicians' regrettable pronouncements from both sides of
the aisle.
Week in Review
(14.4 | 28.8)
It's a miracle energy drink but it make me glow! and misguided medieval attempts at healing the sick.
Round 3
Who's Carl II (14.4 | 28.8)
Dewey thought it was beneath him, and was defeated; a Montreal mayor's big financial misstep, and a guitarist who didn't let enough moss gather.
Bluff the Listener
(14.4 | 28.8) The Black Sheep of the Family...the less distinguished relatives of distinguished, accomplished people.
Lightning Fill in the Blank
(14.4 | 28.8) A bunch of historical facts we
thought might be of interest, possibly.
Panelist Predictions
(14.4 | 28.8)
The New York Times headline for January 1, 2050
Play along with our online version of the show.