January 13, 2001

Listen to Wait Wait Don't Tell Me:
(14.4 | 28.8)

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HOST: Peter Sagal
NOT MY JOB GUEST: NOT MY JOB GUEST: New York Correspondent Melissa Block

This Week's Panelists:

•Charlie Pierce, Esquire Magazine and Only A Game
•Adam Felber, Writer and Entertainer
•Roxanne Roberts, Washington Post Style Section

Round 1

Who's Carl This Time? (14.4 | 28.8)
The nascent Bush administration cuts and runs. What was the question? and a member of the Clinton family packs his catnip mouse.

Opening Round (14.4 | 28.8)
Googling someone doesn't mean making sheep's eyes anymore...the secret of It...France's possible new president...and where Italian women have busted through the glass ceiling (and a few kneecaps).

Round 2

The Listener Limerick Challenge! (14.4 | 28.8)
The crustacean to watch your back around...the beginning of life Down Under? and how the British can tell that you are what you eat.

Not My Job! (14.4 | 28.8)
New York Correspondent Melissa Block answers questions about pets, in "If You Don't Give Mrs. Skibbles Fresh Tuna Every Night, Then She Gets All Cranky and Scratches the Chesterfield."

Week in Review (14.4 | 28.8)
Airline attendents in Slovenia say: We told you so!...Good news for couch potato internet surfers...and a lifesaving technique they they teach you in Home-Ec.

Round 3

Who's Carl II (14.4 | 28.8)
The pope reveals which world leader has trouble paying attention...a wardrobe adjustment for a certain librarian...and taking the Relationship Challenge.

Bluff the Listener (14.4 | 28.8)
Jack Frost Can Stop His Nipping Anytime: or, dealing with winter.

Lightning Fill in the Blank (14.4 | 28.8)
The rest of the week's news that we can fit.

Panelist Predictions (14.4 | 28.8)
The true identity of Ginger, the Super-Secret High-Tech Miracle Thing.

Play along with our online version of the show.