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All Songs Considered Gift Set

Looking Back

This program was originally posted in June, 2001.

For more on these artists, check out our related features and interviews from NPR's All Things Considered and Morning Edition.




From July, 2001:

Watch All Songs ConsideredWatch Episode 7

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Debussy from the Washington Sax Quartet
The jangly rhythms of R. Crumb
A strange cymbalom from Michael Masley
Hawaiian legend Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
Extraordinary guitarist Michael Hedges
The Austrian group, Die Knodel
Rock and Roll from the Sprague Brothers

songs featured in this episode

The Washington Saxophone
Quartet offer unique
interpretations on everything
from Bach and Bethooven to
Joplin and Gershwin.

Washington Saxophone Quartet

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to Golliwog's Cakewalk:
Real Audio | Windows Media

from To China and Bach (Americus Records)

Listen to an interview with the Washington Saxophone Quartet.

Listen to other versions of the All Things Considered theme song.

Visit the official Web site for The Washington Saxophone Quartet.

We have no purchase information for this CD. Contact the band for more information: 703.812.8683.

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Cartoonist R. Crumb plays the
claw-hammered-style banjo
and sings in this group from
Paris. If you like music from
the 1920s, you'll enjoy this
unique sound.

Les Primitifs du Futur

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to The Fox Musette:
Real Audio | Windows Media

from World Musette (Sketch Records)

Listen to a review of World Musette from NPR's All Things Considered.

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Michael Masley plays an
instrument you likely haven't
heard of: a "cymbalom."
Masley picks, bows, and
strikes the strings of this
dulcimer-like instrument to
create a beautifully haunting

Michael Masley

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to Tip of the Icebird:
Real Audio | Windows Media

from Cymbalennium (Artist General)

Email: Michael Masley (

Listen to an interview with Michael Masley from All Things Considered.

Visit the official Web site for Michael Masley.

We have no purchase information for this CD. Contact the band for more information:

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Nicknamed the "Gentle Giant,"
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole has a
tender voice with a giant
sound. He gained international
fame with this featured
selection: A medley of
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
and "What A Wonderful

Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World:
     Real Audio | Windows Media

from Facing Future (Mountain Apple)

Thanks to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin for use of photos and text in this segment.

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Michael Hedges pioneered an
inimitable playing style
sowcased on this Grammy
Award-winning album, Taproot.

Michael Hedges

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to Ritual Dance:
Real Audio | Windows Media

from Taproot

Listen to a 1985 interview with Michael Hedges from Morning Edition.

Listen to Michael Hedges' obituary from All Things Considered.

Visit the official Web site for Michael Hedges.

Purchase this CD

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The Austrian group, Die Knodel
is sometimes comical with
a cinematic sound.

Die Knodel

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to Die Wurst (Die Noodle!):
Real Audio | Windows Media

from Die Noodle! (Koch International)

Artist's Email: Die Knodel

Die Knodel is featured as part of our farewell to long-time All Things Considered Director, Marika Partridge. Marika left NPR after directing her last show on May 29th. Die Knodel is one of her favorite groups. Listen to the All Things Considered tribute to Marika.

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The Sprague Brothers are
reminiscent of the Beatles or
the Everley Brothers, but
with a sound that is very
much their own.

The Sprague Brothers

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to Money Makes the Man:
Real Audio | Windows Media

from Forever and a Day (HighTone Records)

All Songs Considered Host, Bob Boilen interviewed The Sprague Brothers. Watch a multi-media version of the feature. You can also listen to an audio-only version.

Listen to an All Things Considered review of Forever and a Day.

Purchase this CD

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