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These are just a few of the many songs we've received since the September 11th terrorist attacks. We listen to and consider everything we get. If you'd like to submit your own original work, just follow our submission guidelines.

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Let's roll with Neil Young
A song of healing from Marc Farre
Fearless nights and Jill Cohn
The angels of Crosby Stills & Nash
A remembrance from Kent Holliday
A walk in NY with Loudon Wainwright III
A view of the NY skyline with Steve Leroy
America the Beautiful from Fred Cantor

songs featured in this episode

Marc Farre is a singer, songwriter and sometimes-announcer for public radio station WFMU in New Jersey. He lives and works in New York City.

Watch All Songs ConsideredWatch Marc Farre

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to Prayer Flags

"Prayer Flags" was independently produced as a single. Copies are available from the artist via e-mail:

You can also download "Prayer Flags" for free from Marc Farre's Website:

Images used in this presentation were taken by Marc Farre.

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Jill Cohn is an independent artist who lives and writes in Seattle, WA.

Watch All Songs ConsideredWatch Jill Cohn

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to Not Afraid

from The Absence of Moving (Box of Beans Records)

You can purchase copies of The Absence of Moving  from Jill Cohn's Web site:

You can also download a copy of "Not Afraid" for free.

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Graham Nash originally wrote
this piece to honor victims of the
Oklahoma City bombing.

Watch All Songs ConsideredWatch Crosby Stills & Nash

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to Half Your Angels

"Half Your Angels" is not available on any album. However, you can download it for free from the official Crosby Stills and Nash Web site:

You can also watch a live performance of "Half Your Angels" from the Graham Nash Web site:

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Dr. Kent Holliday is a Professor
of Music at Virginia Tech.

Watch All Songs ConsideredWatch Kent Holliday

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to "Remembrance"

Remembrance was independently produced as a single. Copies are available from the artist via e-mail:

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Loudon Wainwright III has released more than 20 albums in a career that's spanned more than 30 years. He frequently writes topical songs for National Public Radio and Ted Koppel's Nightline

Watch All Songs ConsideredWatch Loudon Wainwright III

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to No Sure Way

"No Sure Way" was independently produced. It is currently unavailable as a single or on any album. However, Loudon has added it to his live performances.

You can hear him play "No Sure Way" during an interview with Terry Gross on NPR's Fresh Air.

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Steve Leroy is a bassist who lives and writes in New York. He composed "Smoke and Skyline" two days after the terrorist attacks.
(photo by Steve Leroy)

Watch All Songs ConsideredWatch Steve Leroy

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to Smoke and Skyline

"Smoke and Skyline" was independently produced as a single and is currently unavailable on any album. Copies may be obtained from the artist via e-mail:

Photos used in this segment were taken by Steve Leroy.

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Fred Gregory Cantor is a professional musician living in Orlando, Florida. In addition to writing and recording, he teaches the use of music as a tool for healing.

Watch All Songs ConsideredWatch Fred Cantor

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to The Beautiful

"The Beautiful" was independently produced as a single and is currently unavailable on any album. However, you can download a copy for free from the artist's Web site:

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Neil Young's "Let's Roll" pays tribute to those who died on the hijacked airline that crashed in a Pennsylvania field on September 11th.

Watch All Songs ConsideredWatch Neil Young

Listen to All Songs ConsideredListen to Let's Roll

"Let's Roll" was inspired by the words reportedly spoken by United Airlines passenger Todd Beamer shortly before he and several other passengers stormed the cockpit to overpower the terrorists.

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