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All Things Considered


  • The House of Representatives votes against President Ford's request for additional help for South Vietnam. The decision signals the end of U.S. involvement; on April 30, the last Americans are airlifted out of Saigon just as the city falls to the North Vietnamese.
  • Noah Adams joins ATC staff as a production assistant. Music writer Fred Calland pays tribute to Elvis Presley on the rock-and-roll icon's 40th birthday.
  • On the January 8 show, Calland recalls "the horrified record salesmen who tried in vain to move their middle-class shopping center customers back to the so-called 'better things,' like the classics, like Mantovani, like even Frank Sinatra. But no. For a teenager, young married, middle-ager, for many, many people, Presley was all the rage, and no one else would do but Presley.

    "Well, the young, sexy, smoldering-voiced kid made it big, and is, at 40, as loved and listened-to as ever. "

    Hear the broadcast.