Digital Dirt
March 30, 2001
Fence Status Report
Yes, oh yes, the fence is growing leaps and bounds and with every panel that goes up, I "take back" more of my garden.
Where did the street go? And the dentist's office? And the monster children yelling obscenities at each other during lunch? Gone! Admittedly, this looks a bit fortress-like at the moment, but with the exquisite lattice up top and a garden in front of it, great things are bound to happen, soon.
The view from the sidewalk improves daily, but it's still too early to really get a sense of the whole. Imagine lattice in all the empty spaces, plus seriously-shortened posts with copper caps.
However, the view from the next door neighbors' house is nearly there, and I'm not hearing any complaints from them. What I am hearing is Steve the carpenter hammering and singing, on this totally glorious, slightly overcast, 60° spring day.