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Digital Dirt

March 30, 2001
Fence Status Report

Yes, oh yes, the fence is growing leaps and bounds and with every panel that goes up, I "take back" more of my garden.

Lattice work up top still to come
Lattice work up top still to come

Where did the street go? And the dentist's office? And the monster children yelling obscenities at each other during lunch? Gone! Admittedly, this looks a bit fortress-like at the moment, but with the exquisite lattice up top and a garden in front of it, great things are bound to happen, soon.

A sneak peek from the sidewalk
A sneak peek from the sidewalk

The view from the sidewalk improves daily, but it's still too early to really get a sense of the whole. Imagine lattice in all the empty spaces, plus seriously-shortened posts with copper caps.



A view from the neighbor's yard
A view from the neighbor's yard

However, the view from the next door neighbors' house is nearly there, and I'm not hearing any complaints from them. What I am hearing is Steve the carpenter hammering and singing, on this totally glorious, slightly overcast, 60° spring day.


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