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Digital Dirt    April 14, 2001

Finally, The Fence Is (Almost, Kinda, Sorta) Finished!

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Steve Kass
A long trip? Sure, but what a ride! says Steve Kass the carpenter

O.K., alright, let's go: As of today, this cold and overcast Friday the 13th, with the exception of the front and side gates, the fence is (say it already, girl!) finished. Hard to believe it's been five months since I first confessed all my frustrations to Scott. My oh my, what a long trip it's been.


Here's a bunch of before/after pix that tell part of the story.

Front of house, no fence
The house, fenced!

Defenceless to the street
Look Ma!
Look Ma, no more street!


In the next two pictures, we're looking over at the next-door neighbor's house. I suspect digging post holes was Steve's least favorite part of the job, but check out the red photinia in the background; it never blinked.

Post hole digging
Post hole becomes fence


Finally, here's what's happening at the top of the front steps. It's the first time you can see the "return," a clever addition which moves the (soon to be) gate a good six feet into the garden. Get it?

Top of steps in progress
Top of steps minus gate



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