Digital Dirt
September 27, 2001
It's Foster Pup Time Again
 Bailey The Foster Hound
Doin' what dogs do best.
It's all Denise Sproul's fault. She and her blessed Beagle Rescue! If it wasn't for Denise, there wouldn't be a Bailey in my house, turning the
placid world of me and Della upside down.
Now, I'm no stranger to beagles, but Bailey is a breed apart. Calm when he has to be, exuberant when he's allowed, and oh my God is he handsome. Don't ask me how a dog like this has been knocking around from home to home throughout his young life; actually, you can ask me 'cause I know, but it all comes down to rotten luck.
 The scene beneath my desk
Della on the left, Bailey and his new Boo on the right
 The scene in my living room
Bailey and the now much-reduced Boo
So, will he remain Bailey the foster dog, or will the beagle stop here? The Levine household is much divided, with Della baying a resounding NO. I promise not to leave you hanging, stay tuned as obedience lessons begin.
 Bailey looks to the future, pensive yet optimistic, awaiting Della and Ketzel's final word