By Michael Pollan
The Botany of Desire
By Michael Pollan Certainly the best-selling garden book of the year, Pollan has reached an astonishingly wide audience with his four essays about the co-evolution of man and plants.
Coming Home To Eat
By Gary Nabhan
If you're not inclined to thinking about the relationship between where you live and what you eat -- indeed, if you've never even considered the importance of such a relationship before -- this is a must-read.
Ten Landscapes
By Topher Delaney
This book of Delaney's garden creations -- none of them small-budget affairs -- will ignite your imagination and inspire coffee table book awe.
Plant This! Best Bets for Year-Round Gorgeous Gardens
By Ketzel Levine, Rene Eisenbart Yes, my own book. It’s a collection of 100 plant profiles, each with gorgeous watercolor illustrations (I can say that), featuring many plants hardy to zero degrees.
Anatomy Of A Rose: Exploring the Secret Life of Flowers
By Sharman Apt Russell
I've kept this little gem of a book within bathtub reach for months. I never tire of dipping into it for startling and poetically-rendered snippets about plant life on the planet Earth.
Flora: An Illustrated History of the Garden Flower
By Brent Elliott
I've only just found out about this sumptuous book; here's an excerpt from a review in January Magazine: "Some coffee table books are loaded with glorious full color photographs or illustrations. Some are filled with illuminating text... Seldom, however, do
you encounter a book that covers all of these areas more than adequately. Flora: An Illustrated History of the Garden Flower does all of these things, and more.

Insects and Gardens: In Pursuit of a Garden Ecology
By Eric Grissell
Hot off the presses from Timber Press, here's a beauty of a book for the ecologically-savvy gardener. Professional entomologist and amateur gardener Eric Grissell suggests that it might be time to declare a truce with the insects in our lives. Truer words never spoken.

Dictionary of Plant Names
By Allen J. Coombes
If the horthead in your life loves Latin names -– and is struggling to pronounce and understand them -– this is indispensable.

American Horticultural Society A To Z Encyclopedia Of Garden Plants
By Christopher Brickell (Editor), Judith Zuk (Editor).
Anyone seriously into plants craves knowledge and devours information. This encyclopedia is the one to have, period.

Passionate Gardening
By Lauren Springer and Rob Proctor
This book bursts at the seam with advice and information, is written with passion and humor, and is downright gorgeous to behold.

The Pruning Book
By Lee Reich
I am continually asked to recommend a pruning book and I do so now with complete confidence. Lee Reich removes the fear of pruning in this manageable how-to book, and may just save the day for that wayward gardener in your life who has a tendancy to hack back rather than lovingly prune.

Taylor's Master Guide to Landscaping
By Rita Buchanan
Finally, I have a reply to one of the most-asked questions in gardening: what's the best, all-around, how-to book? Buchanan's tome is a superb all-in-one, whether you're looking at the big picture in garden design or need enlightened advice on the make-or-break details. The longer I look at this book, the more I find.

The Pacific Northwest Plant Locator
By Susan Narizny and Susan Hill
Last but not least, something for Northwest gardeners. Every region of the country should be so blessed. The Plant Locator is just the facts, an exhaustive list of plant names (Latin only, of course) and the NW nurseries that carry them. Plant books just don’t get nerdier than this. Yeah!
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For The Erudite Gardener:
Hortus: A Gardening Journal. If you value pillow talk at night, do not give this to your gardener lover. It’s a heady English quarterly that will consume whatever remains of the day.
For The Covetous Gardener:
I apologize for hawking English publications but Gardens Illustrated remains the most scintillating of garden magazines. Awfully good writing, too.
For The Nitty Gritty Gardener:
There’s nothing sexy about the newsletter, HortIdeas but for the hardcore grower and the scientifically-minded, this is the nematode’s pajamas. For a subscription, e-mail
For The Humor-Impaired Gardener:
I don’t believe there’s a funnier gardening newsletter than the one published by PlantAmnesty, an irrepressible grassroots group out of Seattle advocating against the senseless torture and mutilation of trees and shrubs.
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Mail Order Plants
Way back at the beginning of this Gifts For Gardeners tome, I suggested a gift certificate to a nursery. If you’ve got a good one in your area, I urge you to support it. If not, or if you’re looking for something out of the ordinary, here’s a few of my favorite mail order nurseries (with a decidedly Northwest prejudice. So sue me!):
The Bamboo Garden
Brent and Becky's Bulbs
Brothers Herbs And Peonies
Collector’s Nursery
Colvos Creek Nursery
Cricket Hill Garden: Peony Heaven
Digging Dog Nursery
Gossler Farms Nursery, Springfield, OR. -- (541) 746-3922
Greer Gardens, Inc.
Heirloom Roses
Heronswood Nursery
Joy Creek Nursery
Niche Gardens
Plant Delights Nursery, Inc.
Prairie Nursery
Roslyn Nursery
Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery
Swan Island Dahlias
White Flower Farm
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