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The Doyenne of Dirt:
The Great Gift Grab-Bag

December 8, 2001

audio We know it's the thought that counts, but what were they thinking? Ketzel and Scott exchange one-of-a-kind gardening gifts, more advice on vermicomposting, plus tips for what (and what not) to buy your favorite gardener.

  • Step right up for Ketzel's truly Great Gifts For Gardeners

    Shoes and Land
    I gave these terra cotta baby shoes of dubious utility to Scott hoping for a good guffaw (what can I say, I'm not a little-feet-for-your-pot kind of gardener). Who knew he'd mistake them for a harbinger of kiddie feet to come? Anyway, here they are, slipped beneath his cherished parcel of canned land.

    Now, not that I'm ungrateful, but what am I supposed to do with his gift of a Hand Wipe Mat, pictured below? Poor guy hadn't a clue that getting filthy dirty is one of my greatest pleasures as a gardener!

    Hand Wiping Mat

    If you're in a hurry for a little Second Night of Hanukkah gift, here's a quick tip: wildflower magnets. If you're ready to shop 'til you drop, check out my Gifts for Gardeners. Enjoy!

    Ginger Magnet
    Ginger Magnet
    Lily Magnet
    Lily Magnet
    Trillium Magnet
    Trillium Magnet

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