A Walk Through Ray Magliozzi's Garden
The differences between Car Talk's two brothers have been subtle -- until now.
Guess which one of Mama Magliozzi's boys is a gardener! Ketzel gets us in through the back gate for a tour of Ray's garden.
View a gallery of photos from Ray's garden
 Man of Magnolia & DofD
Ray and Ketzel singing in the rain during a blustery spring day in the Magliozzi garden.
June 7, 2002 -- If he hadn't once asked me why his favorite magnolia wasn't flowering, I might never have discovered that Ray Magliozzi loved plants. Could be the first story I've ever broken (eat your heart out, Nina). Wanna bet Ray wishes he'd kept his mouth shut? But who knew the guy could be even more silly and loveable, unabashedly slap-happy around trees and flowers, and transported by the sweet smell of his all-time favorites, rugosa roses, big fat daturas and sweetbay magnolias.
More Audio Clips Salvaged from the Cutting Room Floor!
Ray reminisces about Grandma, the first Magliozzi gardener.
Ray falls for a garden hoax and brags about his birdhouse.
Ray offers tips (don't try them at home!) about growing bonsai.
Ray confesses to a secret Good News Garage getaway.
Haven't Killed Enough Time?
See how Ketzel's garden began the spring.
Visit the Car Talk Web site.
Wander through a Tasmanian garden.
Watch a video about some really bad plants.
Forget about gardens, let's do the Dog Show.
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