Gardening During Drought:
Recommended Books
Let's start simple: If you don't already own a book about plants native to your region, get thee to a local bookstore. Native plants are the undisputed experts when it comes to surviving climatic stress, and the good news is that they're increasingly available, whether through local or mail order nurseries.
The books listed here vary in content from pin-ups of drought-tolerant plants to treatises about water-efficient landscapes. In many cases, you can read a page or two online before deciding whether these books suit your needs. Needless to say, this is not a definitive list.
Plants for Dry Climates
Mary Rose Duffield & Warren Jones
Gardening in the Desert
Mary Irish
Xeriscape Plant Guide
Xeriscape Handbook
Gayle Weinstein
The Undaunted Garden
Lauren Springer
The Dry Garden
Beth Chatto
Gaia's Garden: A Guide To Home-Scale Permaculture
Toby Hemenway
Landscaping With Wildflowers
Jim Wilson
Dry-Land Gardening: A Xeriscaping Guide for Dry-Summer Cold-Winter Climates
Jennifer Bennett
And from the Elisabeth C. Miller Horticulture Library:
The Motherlode of All Drought Gardening Booklists.
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