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Listen to Ketzel as she talks about permaculture Talking Plants in South Africa

Spring in the western Cape of South Africa is like nowhere else in the world, Ketzel Levine finds. On Morning Edition, the Doyenne of Dirt checks her sanity at the gate and reports on the three weeks she spent in a floral fantasy.

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The Doyenne is quick to admit that she spent most of her time in this part of the world crying. No, the meds were working. The beauty just knocked her for a loop.

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Lichen and aloe and adders, oh my! Follow Ketzel Levine on a trip full of stunning vistas and weird plants to the amazing Aloe Forests of South Africa.

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The land of the Namas has become a mecca for wildflower-watchers from all over the world. Meet a few bottomists, see an angel fish of a flower, take a deep breath beneath the Namaqualand sky.

Also in Our Plants of South Africa Series:

South Africa A Journey to the Cape Floral Kingdom

Froggy Bottom South Africa at Froggy Bottom

Growing Bulbs How to grow South African Bulbs

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