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Coming up. . .

August 18th: What's your idea of the perfect neighborhood? Writer Amy Storrow lives in hers in Houston. She shows you why next time.

flip orley

Comedian and hypnotist Flip Orley was on tour for nearly 40 weeks out of the year and it was killing him. He loved performing and he didn't mind the traveling but he felt tired and unfit from the lack of regular exercise. When his wife, Dana, gave him a videotape of a yoga lesson with Rodney Yee, Flip's life changed. He's still on the road for much of the year but now he's limber and strong and devoted to Rodney's tapes. When Flip asked us to introduce him to Rodney Yee we were thrilled to put these two in a room together and see what cosmic changes might take place.

LISTEN to the piece about Flip's encounter with yoga master Rodney Yee that aired on Weekend All Things Considered. Or plan your own trip from among the choices below.

Listenartist reporter bio

Flip was a hypnotist before he became a stand-up comedian. Read about the book that initiated his interest in hypnosis and more about Flip's life on the road. Watch a clip of Flip on stage convincing some mild mannered citizens to let loose and have fun.

Listenrodney yee

Rodney was a gymnast and a career ballet dancer before he started practicing yoga. It's never too late! Read about Rodney. Let him guide you in meditation.

Listenhypnosis primer

You are getting very sleeee-py. . . actually hypnosis has almost nothing to do with sleep. But, it could change your life. Find out more about the transformative powers of hypnosis.

Listengreat moments in hypnosis

Read about how Freud, World War II prisoners of War and King Louis XVI influenced the history of hypnosis.

Listenyoga basics

More yoga: see illustrations and read the history of several of the most popular yoga poses or asanas.

Listenculture hound

Read Flip’s cultural picks on the Web and in the world.

Listenyour turn

Post your stories about yoga, hypnosis or about any transformational experience you've had, including how your life was changed by listening to this month's installment of Along For The Ride.