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Survival basics ...

paisley rekdal

Quiz Answers

Score your answers. If you got a perfect 50, you are indeed a back-country babe. Anything less and you're still a scout.

1. C! Get Out There. Give yourself 5 points
b -- 4 points, a -- 3 points, d - 2 points

2. B! If your shoes aren't comfortable you'll get blisters and possibly maime yourself forever. Give yourself 5 points.
c -- 4 points, a -- 2 points, d -- 2 points

3. C! Dehydration is the biggest danger a desert hiker faces. And dehydration can lead to serious illness or even death. Give yourself 5 points.
b -- 4 points, a -- 3 points, d -- 2 points

4. A! In alpine areas the weather can change in an instant and if you get too cold and wet you can suffer from hypothermia. You can go without food or water but hypothermia can kill you. Give yourself 5 points.
c -- 4 points, b -- 3 points, d -- 2 points

5. D! Many trails follow and/or cross the ridgeline so going to it will likely lead you to a logical path out, and , in daylight, often give you the best view. Give yourself 5 points.
c -- 4 points, b -- 3 points, a -- 2 points

6. C! When you're carrying everything, small and durable are the two best qualities a knife can possess. Give yourself 5 points.
d -- 4 points, e -- 2 points, a -- 2 points

7. D! Bears can be frightened themselves. They are put off by loud, strange noises. Give yourself 5 points.
c -- 4 points, a -- 2 points, b -- 2 points

8. C! Body heat is the best cure for hypothermia so borrow it if you have to. Give yourself 5 points.
a -- 2 points, b -- 2 points, d -- 2 points

9. B! Open water easily conducts lightning so you want to move away from in. In fact, you also want to move away from open areas, rocks and peaks and tall trees. Give yourself 5 points.
a -- 2 points, c -- 2 points, d -- 2 points

10. D! If you fall in you'll want to be able to remove your pack quickly. Walking sticks can help with balance, shoes -- any shoes -- offer more traction than your bare feet, and the water is often moving the fastest at the narrowest opening so try for a wide one instead. Give yourself 5 points!
a -- 3 points, b -- 3 points, c -- 3 points