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Pan American Blues Radio Stories from Nashville
WSM Radio - The Birth of The Grand Ole Opry - DeFord Bailey "The Harmonica Wizard"

Produced by The Kitchen Sisters (Nikki Silva & Davia Nelson) with Laura Folger Mixed by Jim McKee at Earwax Productions, San Francisco

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  • More about musician DeFord Bailey.
  • More about the Hatch Show Print.
  • More about Radio Station WSM.
  • Read a discography of music related to this feature.
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  • The Country Music Foundation
  • Alan Stoker, Bob Pinson & Ronnie Pugh
  • The DeFord Bailey Family - DeFord Bailey Jr. o Dezoral Bailey o Christine Bailey
  • David Morton - Author of Deford Bailey
  • Charles Wolfe
  • Chris Strachwitz:
  • Sam Phillips:
  • James Talley:
  • Peter Guralnick
  • Nick Spitzer American Roots:
  • Hatch Show Prints: Jim Sherraden & The Amazing Gill Sisters, Jenny, Delaney & Casey
  • Amy Davis, Southern Folklife Collection , UNC Chapel Hill
  • Tom Diamant & Marc Hargraveso Down Home Records
  • WSM Radio: Kyle Cantrell and staff
  • WSL Radio: Jeff Davis & Mike Elder
  • WPLN Radio - Scott Smith: Rob Gordon:
  • Jan McKee - Library of Congress
  • Mike Seeger & Jeff Place - Folkways - Smithsonian
  • Tamara Drexler Robinson - Nashville Film Commission
  • Ben Williams
  • Frances Nelson
  • Tim Folger:
  • Man from Mars Ed Broderr
  • Bryan Turner
  • Silas Newsome
  • Rick Clark
  • Leda Hartman
  • Nashville Public Library Debbie May
  • Chicago Museum of Broadcasting and Communications - Stephanie Orphen
  • Zoetrope 3rd and 4th Floor illuminaries
  • Amy Standen, Grace Kee, Noah Miller & Erica Bridgeman
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    Copyright © 2000 The Kitchen Sisters