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A September Story
Produced by The Kitchen Sisters (Nikki Silva and Davia Nelson) in collaboration with Ben Shapiro, Jamie York, Jay Allison, Elinoar Astrinsky, Laura Folger and Kate Volkman. Mixed by Jim McKee.

Contact microphone affixed to a window on the 91st floor of World Trade Center Tower One, 1999.<
Contact microphone affixed to a window on the 91st floor of World Trade Center Tower One, 1999.
Photo courtesy Stephen Vitiello and THE PROJECT

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  • Sept. 10, 2002 -- We came together over the last year -- a national collaboration of radio producers, artists, iron workers, bond traders, historians, widows and widowers, public radio listeners -- to chronicle and commemorate the life and history of the World Trade Center and its neighborhood. We set up a phone line, and hundreds of you left your testimony and remembrances, poems, music, on-site recordings, small shards of sound. From this collection, and from dozens of interviews done by producers across the nation, the Sonic Memorial Project has created "A September Story," an intimate and historic radio documentary marking the anniversary of 9/11.

    Special thanks to: Julie Sweeny, Beverly Eckert, Jill Gartenberg, the Family of Chris Pickford, John Schaefer and New Sounds at WNYC, Joe Richman and Radio Diaries, Jay Allison and Vikki Merrick, Caryn Havlik, Tara Anderson and WFUV, Tim Folger, Nikki Stern, Christal Smith and KPPC, Francisco Lopez, Andy Lanset, Kathy Brew, Ellen Lewis, Romolo del Deo, Guy Tozzoli, Steve Zeitlin and City Lore, Ruxandra Guidi, Daren Commons, Grace Kee Heifetz, Picture Projects, dotsperinch, the New York Historical Society, Angus Kress Gillespie, Josh Pryor, KQED, Art Silverman, Carl Scorza, Elana Berkowitz, Manoli Wetherell, Jad Abumrad and all those who participated in the Sonic Memorial Project collaboration.

    Other Resources

    To see and hear more, visit the Sonic Memorial Project Web site at


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    Copyright © 2002 The Kitchen Sisters