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Lost & Found Sound...NEH
  • Listen to the sample tape: 14.4 - 28.8 or G2 SureStream (best quality).

         This piece was created as a sample tape for an application we did for the National Endowment for the Humanities, requesting additional funds to produce Lost and Found Sound. The National Endowment for the Arts and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting had already committed funds but we we were still looking to complete the funding for our vision of the series. Along with the written application, the NEH requested that their funding credit be integrated into a production. They gave us the credit language we had to use and we decided to experiment-- taking a Lost and Found Sound approach to their words. Here's what it sounded like.

    PS: This was before the series was on the air, and everyone was still imagining what Lost and Found Sound might sound like, including us. We didn't get funding that year. We reapplied next year- when Lost and Found Sound went on air- and NEH became a major funder of the series.

    Other Features:

  • LNF Andre Millard
  • LFN Peter Guaralnick
  • LNF Dr. Roosevelt Rubin "Rick" Wright, Jr.
  • LNF Dr. William Barlow
  • LNF Jacqueline Hall

    Copyright © 2000 The Kitchen Sisters