Digital Dirt
February 7, 2002
Bailey's New Home
 Bailey poised with aplomb on Bob's lap (L) alongside Paul and Lucy (R).
 Bailey sharing chew toys with the incredibly patient and good-natured Lucy. Anyone who's ever met my Della knows we do not try this at the Levine home.
 Young dog learns new tricks!!! First, learning to drive...
|  ...second, living with cats. That's Sebastian to his left and Simon to his right, curled on Paul's lap.
I am extraordinarily happy to report that Bailey, the former foster pup, has moved to Spokane, Wa., where he has won the hearts of his new humans, Bob and Paul Hadley, and settled into the pecking order among the family's many cats and one adorable, open-hearted dog. Eyewitness reports from the brothers Hadley confirm the following:
Lucy, the big sister/canine companion, has taken to protecting Bailey on those occassions when it's become necessary to put herself between the beagle and his own bad boyness.
Bailey is snow-mad (a useful trait in Spokane), remains squirrel-crazed, and has become quite the joy rider. Evidentally, he now gets in the back window of his humans' car and does an impressive imitation of one of those felted, bobbing-head dogs.
To the surprise of those of us who knew him when, Bailey has become close buddies with Sebastian the cat (see below). Evidentally, they nap well together. However, Fred (not pictured), has made his position clear on the Bailey matter: as long as the beagle keeps his distance, he will be allowed to live. Sadly, the loveable gray Simon (also below) died a couple of weeks ago, at the ripe old age of 17.
Now I ask you, all you dog lovers, could there be anything more rewarding than seeing a great dog placed in a loving home? Fostering pets offers all the joys of companionship without signing on for years. Got a foster pet already? Drop me a line with a couple of pix and I'll get you star billing here at Talking Plants.
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