Digital Dirt
June 15, 2002
Read The Ballad of Lostboy
Update: Lostboy Ready For Adoption!
Need a happy ending? Got one right here. After a trying week with Lostboy -- separation anxiety issues, not-quite-housebroken issues, crate-training issues, you get the picture -- I placed him in the ultimate foster home, with two other dogs and a big fenced yard. And wait, it gets better. His new foster mom is one of the adoption officers at the Oregon Humane Society, so Lostboy is now safely within that brilliantly connected system, without having to suffer the indignity of living behind bars (in truth, the OHS is an astonishing facility, and a step up from the motels NPR prefers we staffers use). Lostboy is now up for permanent adoption, so if you're interested, contact the OHS.
How It All Began
There we were, me and the beagle, strolling through the neighborhood park the other night, when a bunch of kids started running around like crazy, screaming about being chased by a growling dog. Being the only adult around, I walked over to where they pointed, and what did I see but a skinny black dog with the face of a terrified child. I approached, he demurred, we negotiated. I removed Della's collar and leash, put in on the stray, and off we went, stopping and starting all the way home (or better put, I started, Della stopped, I started, Della stopped). The newly christened Lostboy did incredibly well on the leash, confirming my suspicions that this was a once-loved dog.
So here we are, the three of us, me, the beagle and Lostboy, a poster boy for Save A Stray, just begging for attention and love. I'm hoping to place him once he puts on some weight. Know of a worthy home? Let us know!

She calls me Lostboy, I'd prefer L.B. I'd also prefer that we share the bed. But after losing a two-night running battle, I spent last night in the crate. Pretty cushy, but don't tell her I said so. A guy needs his pride.

This is my baby seal look. Notice the fixed, helpless stare combined with just that touch of daring. The beagle's already read me the riot act about peddling pathetic so I'm refining my approach.

Frankly, I don't really feel as good as I look (vet says I'm emaciated) but I've got this killer coat which hides my skinny bones. For a Chow/Shepherd mix, I'm pretty puny: 35 pounds!

So I figure I'll just chill for a while, eat as much as I can get away with, play with the beagle's mind a bit, and work on my irresistability. How am I doing? |
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