Why Did My Plant Die Archive
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Twelve Months of Helpful Hints
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June 14, 2002:
Asymmetrical Rose | Diseased Peony | Never Rototill Tree Roots! | Stunted Lilacs and Flowerless Crabs | Hydrangea - Heal Thyself | Another Stressed Japanese Maple | How to Kill a Rosa Rugosa
June 5, 2002:
Here Comes the Running Bamboo! | What's an Innoculant? | Corn Gluten to Control Weeds | Lemon Tree Rehab | Keep Your Acer in the Shade | Scraggly Woodruff and Bloomless Wisteria | An Encyclopedic Treatise on Gourds
April 24, 2002:
Freaky Cut Flowers | When in Doubt, Don't Fertilize | Peony Buds Turn Brown | Tree-Climbing Ivy | Groundcover on Hill | Groundcover under Spruce | Redbud Propagation
April 24, 2002:
Freaky Cut Flowers | When in Doubt, Don't Fertilize | Peony Buds Turn Brown | Tree-Climbing Ivy | Groundcover on Hill | Groundcover under Spruce | Redbud Propagation
April 12, 2002:
Pruning Ancient Species Roses | Drought-tolerant Shrubs | Quality Soil Mix | A Maple for San Diego | Lawn in the Panhandle | Obscure Australian Houseplants | Way Too Much About Phospherous
April 4, 2002:
Desert Garden Ideas | Thai Pepper Plant | Sunflower Seed Hulls | Winterizing Banana | Under a Walnut Tree | A Shade Tree for Annapolis | Pruning Wisteria
March 29, 2002:
Jasmine Care | Branchless Maple | African Violet 911 | Too Hot for Peppers | Thrip Invasion | Unscented Roses
March 13, 2002:
Camperdown Elm | Transplanting a Tree Fern | Transplanting a Japanese Maple | Pruning Hydrangea | Grass Removal | Plants for a Shady Bank
March 4, 2002:
Indoor Rosemary | Non-Blooming Ornamental Grass | Jasmine Under Glass | Sago Palm As Bonsai | Avocado Sabotage! | Messy Pear and Olive
February 21, 2002:
Berryless Holly | Gardenia and Phalaenopsis | Early Bloomin' Narcissus | Ailing Potted Plants | Avocado Plant Plight | Patio Under Maple
February 7, 2002:
Twisted Gingko | African Violets | Fungus Gnat Deterrence | Down With Slugs! | Indoor Mandevilla | Escape from Lawn Tyranny
January 25, 2002:
Frosted Hollyhocks | And Again, Ficus | Propagating Lisianthus | Hellebore Hardiness | Tuberoses and Shady Slopes | Brugmansia Storage | Bermuda Grass Eradication
November 27, 2001:
Fence Cover | Bloomless Bouganvilla | Listless Basil | Spectacular Echinacea | Mulberry Removal | Indiana Rose Recommendation | Crapemyrtle | Epimedium Companion
October 18, 2001:
Sad Glads | Uncooperative Jasmine and Maple Ulcers | Relocating Glads and Iris | Non-Grass Lawn Substitute | Mock Orange Needs Tough Love | Yuck -- Powdery Mildew | Dandelion Invasion | Cecile Brunner Only Blooms Once!
October 4, 2001:
Why Won't My Chaste Tree Bloom? | Orchid Care | The Wildest of Irish Yews | Columbines From Seed | Silvermound Rots | Hakonechloa and Hydrangea | Sickly Lavender | Old Failing Dogwood
September 21, 2001:
Whitefly Invasion | Nasty Homemade Weed Killer | Red Thread Fungal Disease in Lawn | Bloomless Hydrangeas | Topsoil a Dud | Don't Move That Daphne | Newsflash: Summer-planted Trees Need Water! | Ill Lillies
September 6, 2001:
Beginner Gardener | Lilac Pruning | Evening Primrose | Nevada Gardening | California Shade Tree | Blossomless Orange Blossom | More Shade for California | Cactus in Florida
August 30, 2001:
Camperdown Elm Rescue | Killing Vinca With Kindness | High Maintenance Bonsai Bouganvilla | No Maintenance Laurel | Mealy Bug Mania | Return of the Squirrel Bandits | Lucy the Lab Loathes Lawn | Milky Spores For Beetle Control
August 23, 2001:
Organic Japanese Beetle Control | Caring For An Injured Bradford Pear | Mulching Around Peonies | Indoor Herbs, Indirect Light? Dubious | Moving Plants From State to State | Big Dogs and Grass Don't Mix | Leave Them Violets Alone! | Growing Ginseng
August 16, 2001:
Forsythia Seed Pods | Dying Shrubs | Transplanted Catalpa | Wisconsin Woodlands | Fruitless Tomato Plants | Flourishing Fig | Damaged Chard | Aptly Named Fungus
August 9, 2001:
Mutant Rose | Bloomin' Bouganvilla | Shedding Oak Tree | Wisconsin Groundcover | Viburnum Pruning | Cape Cod Gaillardia | Lethargic Climbing Plants | Pussywillow Pruning
July 26, 2001:
Moving Wisteria | Save This Apple Tree! | Will Vodka Kill Tall Fescue? | Mushroom Menace | Get That Burlap Off That Root Ball! | Rose Campion Care | Baptisia Blues | 'Only The Lonely'
July 19, 2001:
Is July Too Late To Plant? | Rhododendron Cuttings? Not. | Life Under Dense Pines | Vinca Right or Wrong | Rose Pruning 101 | Unstoppable Rhodies | Roses As Deer Bait
July 12, 2001:
Poison Ivy Eradication | Bloomless Climbing Hydrangea | Repel The Deer! | Pruning Ceanothus | Overwatered Avocado Tree | New Hampshire Living Fence | Wild Roses On Long Island | Morth Orchid
July 5, 2001:
Japanese Maple Seedling | Wilting Vinca | Tomatoes In the Shade | Floral Fatigue: Peony and Iris | Rambling Roots | Nob Hill Tomatoes | Battling Poison Ivy | Deer Invasion
June 28, 2001:
Norfolk Pine Losing Limbs | Fruitless Apricot Tree | Mortar-Eating Ivy | Chipmunk Invasion | Former Wisteria | Mushroom-Infested Lawn | Squirrels, Squirrels Everywhere | Peonies and Ants
June 21, 2001:
What's A Farfugium? | Surprise, Surprise: Leaf Miners in Birch | Elephant Ears on the Move | Messy Magnolias | Love Those Nematodes | Groundcover Under Oak | When To Plant Poppies? | Cat Invasion
June 14, 2001:
Banana Tree Care | Ground Ivy | Poor Hibiscus | Daphne With Bare Knees | How To I.D. A Cherry Tree | Bradford Pear Bush? | Fond Memories Of Pussywillows | Why Buy Leaves?
June 7, 2001:
Juniper Too Old For New Tricks | English Walnut Mulch | Pillar Vines | Bloomless Rhododendron | Ailing Japanese Maple | Pearless In Portland | Basic Camellia Pruning | Hacked Princess Bush
May 31, 2001:
A Four Season Tree | Printer Paper Compost | Sweet Potato Vine | Ailing Bonsai | Dwarf Bottlebrush | Gardenweb Junkie | Buttercups | Bloomless Wisteria
May 24, 2001
Lilac Care | Fruiting Orange Recommendation | Heal This Birch | Creeping Charlie | Ivy Query | I Love My Balcony But... | Sulking Daphne | Bulb Bandits | Tough Lawn For Utah
May 14, 2001
Aphid Invasion | Moles and Voles Galore | Purple and Silver Leaved Shrub | Quick Hedges | Weedy Bank | Indolent Raspberry | Winged Elm Dropping Wings | Rosemary and Basil | Artemesias
May 10, 2001
A Tree Grows In Montreal | Ugh! Blackberry Vines! | Rosary Bead Seeds | Ugh! Leaf Miners! | Nutsedge | Rose O'Sharon | Coffee Compost | Lucy the Banana Plant | Pruning Thyme
May 2, 2001
Nocturnal Visitor | Herbicide and Succulents | Death of Dodenaeas | Pruning Jasmine | Hemlock Border | When Voles Attack | Missouri Native Grasses | Yellow-Leaved Rhododendrons | Those Darned Mayapples?
April 24, 2001
Flowering Vines For Colorado | Life Under The Black Walnut | Eastern Redbud | Camellia Woes | Stressed-Out Azalea | Between-Building View | Magnolias For Upstate NY | Tropicana Rose Sprout | Roses In The Shade
April 19, 2001
Dog Behind Bamboo | Eel Grass | Pruning Elderly Roses | Photinia Woes | Shaded Tree Roots | Bouganvilla | Patio Applesauce | Amaryllis Seeds | Florida Groundcovers
April 17, 2001
Phormium in Arkansas | Herbs 101 | Pruning 101 | Mondo Grass | Cape Cod Recommendations | Ladybugs | Pussy Willow | Sounds Like Gophers | A Couple of Vines
April 10, 2001
Gardenia First Aid | Vine-In-A-Brick | How To Take a Rose Cutting | Technicolor Hydrangeas | Camellias In MA | Blue Spruce With The Blues | Wimpy Wisteria | Dry Shade | Hibiscus in Peril
April 2, 2001
Contorted Filbert | Plant Ideas for North Texas | Horse Safe Plants | Ornamental Grasses | Witchgrass | Azaleas in Distress | Trees for Upstate NY | Help! Morning Glory! | Phormium
March 27, 2001
Crocus Query | A Few Shrubs For Shade | Japanese Maples for Sunny CA | Help! Olive Tree Smaller Than Me! | Black Plastic or Cover Crop? | Throwing The Ex Out With the Crapemyrtle | Retaining Walls and Tree Roots
March 22, 2001
Dog-Proofing the Garden | Slugs Love Herbs | Bulb Refrigeration | California Fuchsia | Herbicidal Maniac | Indoor Herb No-Fly Zone | Cranky Crabapple
March 15, 2001
Transplanting Shrubs | Clematis Pruning | Gardening under Linden | Vine Won't Flower | No-Fuss Lighting | Revenge of the Slugs | What Grows Under Bearded Collies?
March 6, 2001
Sweet Olive | Corn Gluten | Shade, Clay, Yikes | Pruning Grapevines | Windowboxes of Whiteflies
February 28, 2001
Saving Forced Bulbs | Maidenhair Ferns | Whitefly Invasion! | Give Or Take A Zone | Indoor Citrus Tree | Bermuda Triangle In My Front Yard | Small Trees For Wisconsin | Texas Bluebonnets in Maryland
February 16, 2001
Winter Worries In Florida | Pinion Nut Pine | Wind Chill Effect | Cutting Garden Under Eucs | Mexican Sunflower | Fickle Rosemary
February 8, 2001
Winterizing Hibiscus | Name That Plant! | When Slugs Attack | Plight of the Poinsettia | Perennial Bed for the Newbie
January 23, 2001
Allergies | Droopy Indoor Gardenia | Jade Plant In Distress | Return of the Scale
January 16, 2001
Ficus in Distress | Fungus Gnats and Mealy Bugs, Oh My | Christmas Cactus | Avocado Woes | Ivy Topiary Killer | Scale
December 31, 2000
Care and Feeding of Live Christmas Trees | Storing Bulbs | What Grows in Rainy/Cool and Hot/Dry? | Forcing Bulbs | Saving Sam, The Rubber Plant
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