Listener Links
From Christopher:
"Great photos and info..."
Gardener's Path
From Thomas:
"Perhaps you might consider my site on carnivorous plants."
Dangerous Plants
From Mary:
"Site for buying, learning, reading and enjoying... a delightful grower of scented geraniums, herbs and gifts with year round shipping from the Seattle area. I think her love of herbs, the scents, touch and taste are delightfully talked about with a wit not to be matched."
No Thyme
From Lady Barbara:
"I've been writing Weeds and Wild Things for three years now and will be switching over to a new topic. But I like to think I've taken a slightly novel approach to the plants that folks have been howling at for all these years. Enjoy your visit"
Weeds And Wild Things
From Cindy:
"Gardening Getaways is my program of 3-day, 2-night garden-making workshops hosted at WA and OR bed and breakfast inns. You may find our website interesting -- calendar, photos, the Ann Lovejoy designed theme gardens, faculty, even a description of our 'Cultivating Teams' workshops for businesses. It's easy to get through -- no advertising banners!"
Gardening Getaways
From Neil:
"Scenic Screen-Savers and Wallpaper; besides scenery, lots of garden and
wildflower photography."
Ozark Mountain Images
From Rolfe:
"Try the Thyme Garden's web site it's great! Of course since I own it I
may be a little biased."
Thyme Garden
From (my cool friend) Tiffany:
Garden Geek Girl
From Marisa:
"My favorite gardening website (um, besides yours, of course...!) is You Grow Girl. Seems those crazy kids out there are getting into the more "traditional" pasttimes they once made fun of -- knitting, crafts, mah-jongg, canasta, and yes, gardening -- adding their own irreverent touches that make it all seem
brand new."
You Grow Girl
From Timothy (heartily endorsed by Dofd):
"If you'd be kind enough to add Good Nature Publishing's Native Grasses of California to your web page, I'd appreciate it."
Good Nature Publishing's Native Grasses of California
From Anna:
"A newsletter/ezine devoted to the passions and pleasures of gardens and gardening -- poetry, art, and of course gardening."
Lyric Garden
From Jill:
"I have a web site that might be of interest to you, called Weeds Gone Wild!
Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas."
Weeds Gone Wild!
From Dee (heartily endorsed by the Dofd):
"I review gardening books online"
Gardening By The Book
From John:
"I would like to introduce to you a native perennial wildflower seed company
that I have recently made available on the web."
Easy Wildflowers
From James:
"Do visit our lab's web site, and in particular, click on the section named "Bees and Gardens". There you will find a brief introduction with links to a compilation of 266 garden plant genera."
Logan Bee Lab
From Julie:
"Great information, gardeners, seed trading and more."
Dave's Garden
From Hilda:
"Check out Sage Hall for great Q&As... as well as a superb gardening guide and links to fabulous forums."
Gardem Town
From Paul:
"(I) launched the website as a resource for hobby farmers, students and outdoor enthusiasts. This is just the basics... a great sense of accomplishment comes from self-reliance, but where to find information can be frustrating. Encyclovids distills all that knowledge floating around out there into one condensed package."
From Ian:
"I thought you might enjoy my Tropical Fruit Photography website."
Tropical Fruit Photos
From Ken:
"Florida has many diverse plants and of course has the most diverse bromeliads in the continental U.S.. Check it out"
Bromeliad Society International
From Wayne (heartily endorsed by Dofd):
"Surf over to our modest little web site, dedicated to The Garden of the Hidden Name. We created the web site for our friends on the East Coast and in Italy, folks who are not likely to visit us in person any time soon."
Hidden Name
From Patricia:
"Even though my new collection of sculptures runs the risk of falling into your kitsch category, I was inspired to contact you in hopes you might be interested."
Saints Preserved
Copyright © 2003 National Public Radio, Washington, D.C.