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Bamboo Resources

Bamboo For Gardens
Bamboo for Gardens

Temperate Bamboo
Temperate Bamboo
Running Bamboo Look Who's Planting Bamboo!

Bamboo Resources Running Bamboo

Clumping Bamboo Clumping Bamboo
Recommended Reading:

Bamboo for Gardens
Ted Jordan Meredith
Timber Press, 2001
A wonderful reference for both the confirmed and the up-and-coming bamboo geek.

The Gardener's Guide to Growing Temperate Bamboos
Michael Bell
Timber Press, 2000

Bamboo World: The Growing and Use of Clumping Bamboos
Victor Cusack
Kangaroo Press/Simon & Shuster, 1999

For other worthy titles, wander through the Lewis Bamboo Groves' easy-to-peruse bamboo bookshelf. And while you're there, it couldn't hurt to shop...

Other Resources:

The Bamboo Garden -- Our friends in Portland, Ore., and the mail-order nursery source of Scott's plant, with a Web site including gorgeous bamboo pin-ups and enough links to send you on your merry way.

The American Bamboo Society Web site has just what you need to join your regional chapter, answer your most frequently asked questions, peruse an extensive bamboo bibliography and blow you away with its bamboo species plant list.

One of the great assets of the American Bamboo Society is the ABS Magazine.
For more info, contact: Ian Connor, Editor
12640 S.E. Alder Street, Apt. #20
Portland, OR 97233

Finally, for the hard-core, check out the Internet Bamboo Group, which offers four years of searchable Q&A and access to the world's bamboo experts.

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